Professor Wiberg has nearly 30 years experience in the field of reconstructive surgery with focus on mainly congenital malformations and nerve reconstruction. He has worked scientifically within these areas for nearly 40 years in Uppsala, Umeå and the last 20 years also within UK. He has a wide national and international network both clinically and scientifically. His work and scientific production played an important role when Umeå for the first time got national responsibility (Rikssjukvård) together with Stockholm for major nerve injuries (brachial plexus injuries) . Wiberg is a member since the start of the National Board for Cell, Tissue, Organ and Blood (Nationella Vävnadsrådet) and its subgroup for Celltherapy. He is also a Board Member of the National Board of Health care and Social welfare (Socialstyrelsen) and The Swedish Governments expertgroup for Life Sceince. Prof Wiberg has a total of 125 peer reviewed original articles in Pubmed mainly within the area of nerve reconstructive surgery.